I'm A Rotarian
Everyone knows the Rotary wheel, you've seen it on benches, or a school playground. But do you know any Rotarians? NO? Well, this is the podcast to fix that. Join producer and Rotarian Gwen Jones as she interviews some of the many men, women, famous or under the radar Rotarians that live all around the US, and even the world. Join us as she talks to them about the history of Rotary, how each became a Rotarian, and where they see Rotary international going in the 21 century and beyond. lisen in won't you? Who knows maybe someday you'll say "I'm a Rotarian" too.
Podcasting since 2019 • 265 episodes
I'm A Rotarian
Latest Episodes
I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.12 Marvelous Mondays PT2 Mental Health Monday with Mary Bak
Our Marvelous Mondays continue with Mary Bak and Mental Health Monday. Mary a member of the Rotary Mental Health Task Force has put together a Monday night series to help and inform folks about Mental Health issues.Join us! &n...
Season 11
Episode 12

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.11 Marvelous Mondays start with Louisa Horne and her "New Member Meet-ups"
Join me for week one of my two week "Marvelous Monday" shows. We have two show about Monday Zoom meetings open to everyone about New members, and, next week Mental Health. These two shows will give you great ideas, and, I hope a reason to join ...
Season 11
Episode 11

ENCORE SHOW! I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.1 Rotary Trailblazer Sylvia Whitlock
As we end "Black History Month" here is the USA, it only seemed right to bring back this great interview:It is my honor to interview Rotary Trailblazer, and first woman Rotary Club President Sylvia Whitlock. Join us as we he...
Season 10
Episode 1

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.10 The Poetry of Rotary
Did you know that the Rotary E-Club of Innovation has a poetry contest? And the winner is announced at convention? Well now you do! So come here all about it as my new friend Nan McCreadie joins me to tell us all about it.WWW.Rotarypoetr...
Season 11
Episode 10

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP 9 The Rotary Academy of Pakistan plus Yoga and the Art of Breathing.
Today for the first time I am off to the amazing country of Pakistan to not only learn about the Rotary Academy of Pakistan but how it's leader Arshed Kamal Sethi is teaching yoga and how it can teach us to be better Rotarians and b...
Season 11
Episode 9