I'm A Rotarian
Everyone knows the Rotary wheel, you've seen it on benches, or a school playground. But do you know any Rotarians? NO? Well, this is the podcast to fix that. Join producer and Rotarian Gwen Jones as she interviews some of the many men, women, famous or under the radar Rotarians that live all around the US, and even the world. Join us as she talks to them about the history of Rotary, how each became a Rotarian, and where they see Rotary international going in the 21 century and beyond. lisen in won't you? Who knows maybe someday you'll say "I'm a Rotarian" too.
265 episodes
I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.12 Marvelous Mondays PT2 Mental Health Monday with Mary Bak
Our Marvelous Mondays continue with Mary Bak and Mental Health Monday. Mary a member of the Rotary Mental Health Task Force has put together a Monday night series to help and inform folks about Mental Health issues.Join us! &n...
Season 11
Episode 12

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.11 Marvelous Mondays start with Louisa Horne and her "New Member Meet-ups"
Join me for week one of my two week "Marvelous Monday" shows. We have two show about Monday Zoom meetings open to everyone about New members, and, next week Mental Health. These two shows will give you great ideas, and, I hope a reason to join ...
Season 11
Episode 11

ENCORE SHOW! I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.1 Rotary Trailblazer Sylvia Whitlock
As we end "Black History Month" here is the USA, it only seemed right to bring back this great interview:It is my honor to interview Rotary Trailblazer, and first woman Rotary Club President Sylvia Whitlock. Join us as we he...
Season 10
Episode 1

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.10 The Poetry of Rotary
Did you know that the Rotary E-Club of Innovation has a poetry contest? And the winner is announced at convention? Well now you do! So come here all about it as my new friend Nan McCreadie joins me to tell us all about it.WWW.Rotarypoetr...
Season 11
Episode 10

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP 9 The Rotary Academy of Pakistan plus Yoga and the Art of Breathing.
Today for the first time I am off to the amazing country of Pakistan to not only learn about the Rotary Academy of Pakistan but how it's leader Arshed Kamal Sethi is teaching yoga and how it can teach us to be better Rotarians and b...
Season 11
Episode 9

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP. 8 Catching up with Rotary influencer Evan Burrell
Well it has been 5years since Evan and I sat down for a chat,and BOY a lot has changed. From a new partner, to two new boys and now DGE for his area.Come join me as we talk the past, the present, and a wonderful future with Rotary influence...
Season 11
Episode 8

ENCORE SHOW!!!! I'm A Rotarian Season 4 Ep.15 We talk race with Nadine Pemberton
ENCORE SHOW: We are going way back to talk race and Rotary.Meet Nadine Pemberton founder of Rotarians Against Racism, as we have a real talk about race, racism, and Rotary.
Season 4
Episode 15

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP. 7 The LA Fires with 5280 DG Albert Hernandez
We are dropping this weeks EP. early so you can get a first hand understanding with 5280 DG Albert Hernandez of the tragedy that is the fires in LA, and how you can help.
Season 11
Episode 7

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.6 Checking in with Mohan Kumar and his quest to bring dignity and hope to India
I'm catching up with my friend Mohan Kumar as his updates me on his amazing work bringing independence, and hope to thousands of people with missing arms and legs.
Season 11
Episode 6

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.5 Talking Rotary History with Matts Ingemanson
This week i'm off to Sweden to talk Rotary history with longtime Rotary History geek and PDG Matts Ingemanson. We talk early Rotary, we talk about Rotary and the UN, and most of all we talk about how Rotary is making wonderful new history...
Season 11
Episode 5

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Holiday Thank You and Break!
I'm taking a few weeks off to enjoy the holiday season with mu family, but i'll be right back here Jan.8th 2025 with new stories and new fun. Hope to see you then.

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 Ep.4 Fighting Bed-less-ness this Holiday season with Rotary and Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Join me for my first Holiday show where I introduce you to 7870 DG Bill Stevens and Sleep in Heavenly Peace member David Sodders. We talk about the sad fact of how many kids have no beds to sleep in at night, and how a team of Rotary clubs, and...
Season 11
Episode 4

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.3 50yr Rotary vet, and 5050DG Dave Daskin
Today we are talking Rotary,50 years in Rotary. How has it changed? What made you stay in Rotary, Why don't more folks stay in this long? What has been some of your greatest events and stories. Just a few of the questions i put to my friend and...
Season 11
Episode 3

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 11 EP.1 The 5 Points of Conversation with PDG Sidney Smith
Time to talk, even if it's uncomfortable? Join me as I talk to Sidney Smith. PDG of 5180 who is bringing his "5 Points of Conversation" not only to Rotary but to the world.
Season 11
Episode 1

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 6 EP. 26 funny, happy, RI training w/Patrick Harrison & Amber Scarborough
ENCORE SHOW:Can RI training be fun? Can it be happy, loud, comical? Should you walk away from a PETS not only feeling ready to be president, but super proud just to be a Rotarian? Well return guest Patrick Harrison, and newc...
Season 6
Episode 26

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.30 5050 DGE Marie Isabell Martin Hair & Rotary Hands Across the Border
Time to learn about "Rotary Hands Across the Border" with 5050 DGE Marie Isabell Martinez Hair. She has gone way beyond "Peace Pole" to bring Rotarians for 2 different sides and countries to talk peace and understanding
Season 10
Episode 30

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.29 Fellowship of Rotary Photography
It's time to enjoy another fellowship this time "The Fellowship of Rotary Photography". Our longtime podcast friend and fellowship junky Madu Bishnu is back to tell us all out these talented Rotarians, and the photo contest though RI that...
Season 10
Episode 29

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.28 Rotary Trainer/Zone 14 RYLA chair John DeGiorgio
Today I'm off to Malta to talk to new friend, Rotary Trainer/Zone 14 RYLA chair John DeGiorgio.We talk RYLA. We talk training. We talk "clubs getting the kudos they deserve. We talk about one of the best "Smile Question" answers I ...
Season 10
Episode 28

I'm A Rotarian Season 6 Ep.25 Author,Polio Survivor & "Member of the British Empire" Mark Esho
Meet Mark Esho. He's an Author, Polio Survivor, "Member of the British Empire", and the only Rotarian I know that has gone to a witch doctor.
Season 6
Episode 25

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.27 Doctor and Humanitarian Micheal Fernando
Join me today as I introduce you to one of the most gusty Rotarians I have ever met, Micheal Fernando. A Rotarian who is willing to go to some of the darkest places on earth to bring new life, light and joy to the world in the "miracle minute" ...
Season 10
Episode 27

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP. 26 Peace Fellow and Cellist Diego Carneiro
Can we find Peace though music? Can we find understanding? Can music be a bridge to understanding the world we live in...why not. This week meet Rotarian Peace Fellow Diego Carneiro,as we ask some of these questions and more.
Season 10
Episode 26

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP 25 Rotary is cooking, All Over the World with Jack Davis & Caroline Dobson
Time to cook!!Meet two Rotarians that are bringing the world to your table.One dish at a time.A perfect way to have to get ready for your #Poliodinner party.Join us!
Season 10
Episode 25

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.24 #RotaryDinner with Douglas Heizer
I'm off to Boca Raton Florida in the US for part 1 of our 2 part show on great things do do during Polio awareness month. Meet Douglas Heizer and his simple # that could get the word out about ending Polio.
Season 10
Episode 24

ENCORE SHOW: I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 7 EP.9 Drew Kessler the hardest working Rotarians out there!
ENCORE SHOW: Meet one of the most traveled and hardest working Rotarians out there...Drew Kessler.He's a board member, Trainer, COL member, dad and more. Drew found just enough time between travel and fatherhood to join me o...
Season 7
Episode 9

I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.23 Jonas Ekombo's Unity Gardens
I'm Off this week to Uganda Africa to talk to Jonas Ekombo about his "Unity Garden" projects that are bring food, joy, and now how to the villages of Uganda.Note: The internet was a bit off in the recording. Uganda is a long way ...
Season 10
Episode 23