I'm A Rotarian
Everyone knows the Rotary wheel, you've seen it on benches, or a school playground. But do you know any Rotarians? NO? Well, this is the podcast to fix that. Join producer and Rotarian Gwen Jones as she interviews some of the many men, women, famous or under the radar Rotarians that live all around the US, and even the world. Join us as she talks to them about the history of Rotary, how each became a Rotarian, and where they see Rotary international going in the 21 century and beyond. lisen in won't you? Who knows maybe someday you'll say "I'm a Rotarian" too.
I'm A Rotarian
I'm A Rotarian Podcast Season 10 EP.23 Jonas Ekombo's Unity Gardens
I'm Off this week to Uganda Africa to talk to Jonas Ekombo about his "Unity Garden" projects that are bring food, joy, and now how to the villages of Uganda.
Note: The internet was a bit off in the recording. Uganda is a long way from the USA which made our interview a bit short, but i'm sure you will enjoy out chat.
Join me as I talk to those "amazing people who proudly call themselves Rotarians." and tell a friend to join us too.